Apr 15, 2008

Back in the kitchen.

Mike & I always joke about how I was such a good cook the first 2 years of our marriage... & how it has only gone downhill from there. I loved to cook, & I cooked frequently that first year. I was working 35 hours per week {in hindsight, an absolute dream in NYC} & had a 25 minute commute. Mike worked in walking distance from our apartment on Wall Street. But- enter a new demanding job & about 90 minutes of commuting each day. If we're lucky to eat at home together, quesadillas, soup {from a can, obviously} or something frozen from Trader Joe's is often on the menu. Last night, we had eggs {con queso} & English muffins {sidenote: with Sarah Beth's Orange Apricot Marmalade on top- oh my gosh, so good- Bret, I totally brought Jim the wrong stuff. I will send some out}. I make good eggs, but after cooking a real meal for our friends on Sunday, I realized that I miss cooking. I really, really like to create delicious things. I still don't really have the time, but I'm going to try to put in a bit more effort, especially on weekends when I do have the energy & the capacity to spend a bit of time in the kitchen.
This being said, {cue self-promotion}, I need good ideas. Easy, fast, simple, delicious meals. I like sharing ideas with friends on my recipe blog. If you want to contribute, let me know & I'll sign you up. It's fun to share. In the meantime, I'm going to make Lauren's Fish Taco's this week. Yum.


Tara Edwards said...

Kevin made a comment this weekend about how often I use my kitchen. We eat. It's ususaly a hot dinner, but Costco is my friend. I need to start using recipes again.

Lula. said...

I always get great ideas from your recipe blog, now I just need to contribute more. I am all about fast, easy, and healthy.

PJ and Julie said...

I am afraid I am no help...just wanted to tell you I am impressed! I am sure PJ wishes he would have married someone like you when he is pouring himself a bowl of cereal for dinner :)

Jill said...

i hope i can get back on the cooking bandwagon soon too!

Kellie said...

I feel your pain on being able to cook with a demanding job and so many good options in the city. Good luck!

I know you sent me the login to Wire Whisk, but I couldn't get it to work. I think it is highly likely that it was operator error - sometimes I don't focus as well as I should.

Kera said...

i hate our kitchen and I LOVE kitchens, there is just something about our that I spend very little time in there. I need openness and room for creativity :) It still gets used everyday, just not in the way I want to.

I love those capris! I love the black, navy, green, and white. LOVE THEM. I can't tell if your joking about the printed ones or not . . .

k. said...

Kera- I'm not kidding. I take it you hate them. :)

Missy said...

Oh, I've been meaning to say that I took that fish tacos recipe too. It looks delicious and I'm totally making it this weekend.