Apr 28, 2008


I don't blog when life gets super stressful. I just can't, for a number of reasons. Suffice it to say, things have been stressful, & I don't really feel like documenting it on the www.
Today happens to be freezing cold, grey, windy, & rainy. These days are even worse when they happen on a Monday. I think it's just mean, really. Monday + rain. Not nice. I hate these days.

Anyway - I take a shuttle between our apartment & the subway each morning. This morning, as I was exciting, a British woman said to me- Stay cheerful, despite the rain!

Maybe the chipper clip to her British accent gave her advice extra emphasis, but I've thought about that brief sentence all morning. I'm going to try to be more cheerful today, despite the literal & figurative rain.


suz said...

Im right there with you on Monday and rain - Mondays are hard enough

Kera said...

we are sure excited to see you next week. HOPEFULLY haidyn will be better by then and I won't have gone insane. Where is a good place to get a great looking suit for a few hundred dollar budget or less :)

Kellie said...

Sorry to hear things have been stressful lately. Hopefully things will slow down for you. And just think...2 more days until FEIST!!!

Joanna said...

Man. Kathryn, you and I need to go find a week-long spa somewhere. I'm serious. Hawaii? Arizona? Let's start looking...

k. said...

Wait, Kera, I'm confused- a new suit?? For you? Or for Patrick??

I'll be there in 2 weeks. Can't wait.

And yes please for a girl's retreat.

suz said...

Us too! I'm at suz's house (this is Tara) and I think we should go sooner rather than later. I'm thinking Vegas. At a Spa. With pretty drinks. And painted toes. I'm all about the toes you know :)

Missy said...

I'm sorry things are stressful. That can just make it hard and rain doesn't ever help. I like the British woman's advice though.

Jan said...
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Julia said...

I am so sorry that you had to go out in the rain, I hope things brighten up for you. A mini spa day is in order for us.

Jan said...

You are surrounded by friends...lucky you.

Lindsey said...

Hope life eases up. Rain does not make other stressful situations easier. Hope this week is better!

Kera said...

the suit is for patrick :)

dad said...

I've got to put in a plug for Andrew. He said in his weekly email: "This week is going to be a strengtening process and another chapter of my missionary service." He's really staying focused, although he has just two weeks left. So, stay cheerful despite the rain.