Apr 30, 2008

This is how it went:

Cab driver: You not from here.
Me: I am. I live in Manhattan.
Cab driver: No, but you not grow up here.
Me: Why do you ask?
Cab driver: Your face look like comfort & peace. New Yorker who grow up here look angry & mean.
He also had this quote taped up onto the partition:
Today, unequivocally, many things will go right, & some things might go wrong! That's life! Accept it... Deal with it... Cope with it... Get over it... Learn from it... Enjoy it... What better choices do you have? Life is still beautiful! Life still goes on! {Fernando Batista}


suz said...

I love that quote and what a nice complement from the cab driver!

Jan said...

Amazing insight your cabbie had....you ARE different...you literally glow......and Life IS beautiful...even when all is not smooth sailing.

Tara Edwards said...

I love it.

Kellie said...

What a great conversation - so glad you passed it on to us. And I totally agree your face is comfort & peace!

Anonymous said...

You won't believe this but I remember riding in a cab that had the same quote in NY. Love the quote and you do have a glow to ya. We need to visit soon. I hope all is well. J

dad said...

You're a stranger in a strange land.

Melissa said...

Thanks for the quote. I love it!