May 28, 2008


Love Mike because he brought home my most favorite dessert tonight {along with dinner from Bouley Bakery}. Macaroons are simply heaven- & they're so pretty.


Missy said...

I'm embarrassed to say that I don't even know what a macaroon is, let alone having tasted one. What is in it? They're so colorful!

I meant to comment a few posts down about the Levain bakery cookies. I've heard they are absolute heaven. Can you use your recipe asking skills (Shake Shack hot chocolate) to get it from them?

Kera said...

we are going to need to change ours soon.

Jennifer said...

love the new header

Lindsey said...

the header is v cool.
I love macaroons too. Well, for sure the vanilla ones. And the caramel ones too. We have a local french shop that packages them so pretty! I love finding excuses to buy them for people.

k. said...

Missy, you would LOVE them. They are little cookies (French) and have the most unique, fun texture. My favorites are pistacio or anything berry. Or maybe white chocolate. Or maybe all of the above.

Tara Edwards said...

I've never had one either! I'll have to search them out. They would be fun in a little bag as a party favor.