May 14, 2008

Tan lines. I have tan lines.

Well, sort of. The beach didn't quite happen, but I did manage to sneak out of my hotel room for a whopping 25 minutes today {they shut down the pool at 4pm for a VIP event - boo}. I didn't bring a swim suit, but my shorts & a polo sufficed. Proof of my trip to LA: a brand new ever-so-slight farmer's tan & cute tan lines just a few inches above my knees. Every girl's dream. But really- my poor skin hasn't seen the sun in oh so very long.

These tan lines are now in addition to the still lingering leftovers from last year's monumental sunburn. Not even kidding. I still have tan lines from that to prove just how bad it really was. Ouch.
Oh- & certain people should not wear bikinis. They just shouldn't. If I have poor body image, then a woman who is 200+ pounds & at least 75 years old should not be wearing a leopard print string bikini. There really should be signs that say, If you are obese, old & have really, really gross leathery skin, you are not allowed to wear a leopard print bikini within 300 yards of this pool. Violators will be prosecuted. I'm serious.


Jan said...

I'm sorry you had to witness that scene. It will pro ably be fodder for many a nightmare.

Missy said...

Welcome to California!

Lindsey said...

funny, Katherine. In Egypt (and throughout beachy vacation destinations in Europe), ALL women wear bikinis... It took a little getting used to. Just be thankful they don't go topless too! :)

Kera said...

be happy she was wearing something. the weather is getting hot here and the clothes are coming off all over.

Sine family said...

I think speedos should also be banned on men who are 200+ pounds and 25 years old or older. Really no one should wear them but maybe you can pull them off if you are young. So gross.