Jun 1, 2008

Pop Burger.

Mike & I were shopping in midtown yesterday when we literally stumbled upon Pop Burger on East 57th Street. The facade of the restaurant looked interesting & Mike had heard it was in competition with Shake Shack {gasp!}, so we had to give it a shot. Pop Burger's burgers are bite-sized, yummy treats. While maybe not worth the trip just for the burgers {a la Shake Shack}, it was really good & a nice mid-shopping snack. And the fries- oh my gosh. Mike & I decided that they were the best we've ever had. Really. So good. We think they were battered, which I think means there are more vegetables & vitamins in them, right Mom? My fellow Manhattanites need to visit this place the next time they're in midtown- even if just for the extra-fried fries.

Our second culinary delight {did I really just write that? gross.} of the day was Taco Taco, a place just around the corner that we really should have discovered about 13 months ago. New York City is not a mecca for Mexican food by any means, so if you find something really good, it's big. We'll definitely go back. My pork tacos were perfect, & Mike's favorite Mexican dish {alambre- think bacon & cheese} was as good as anything he's had in California. He probably said mmm, bacon five times during our meal & was happy to have enough to take home to last another meal or two. As a testament to what a good person Mike is, he gave his to-go bag to a homeless mad on our way home. Sigh. Perspective, right?
Our Saturday was nice, if only ridiculously lazy until we got moving around 4pm. I'll have to write about Mike's newfound love & appreciation for the cosmetics floor at Bloomingdale's sometime... At least he understands now. Sort of.
Oh- & it should be mentioned that it's 6am on a Sunday & I just cannot sleep. Not happy.


Tara Edwards said...

The food sounds amazing, and I love lazy days. I think there is someting so fun about food that is little! I'll put it on my list, and I'm glad you found a good Mexican place. I think that's my favorite food.

Unknown said...

Mmm. I've been craving a GOOD burger lately. I like the idea of little too. Fun find.