Jul 15, 2008

Aspen Grove.

We leave for Utah on Saturday morning, & are checking in to Aspen Grove that afternoon for a week with the Hudson family tree. I haven't been to Aspen Grove since I was about 3, but all I really remember is an encounter with poison ivy (although I might be confusing that with another trip) & learning the Hudson Family Happy Birthday song. I think it's sort of a kid-focused place, but I'm excited to be up in the mountains, near Sundance, & close to friends that we miss & want to visit, not to mention having the chance for daily fun with my nieces & nephews. I'm planning on a dinner at Sundance, bedside visits to my sister Elizabeth (I'm not quite ready to meet her baby that is in utero though, so he'd better stay put for a while), Nordstrom, & Cafe Rio, among other things. I'm also ready for crisp mountain nights, s'mores & not cooking for a week. Oh- & the best part? No humidity. Hooray.

Tara made us matching tshirts. Apparently we all have to wear them (thanks, Tara!). This is our first family reunion (we don't really have an extended family beyond us) so I guess we're making the most of it.


Kera said...

which niece are you referring to, haidyn or elle :)

Tara Edwards said...

I'm sure she means Haidyn. And everyone needs to be excited about the t-shirts! They are going to be fun!

Heidi said...

Funny thing, I learned that same birthday song in like Junior high from my friend that went to Aspen Grove every summer with her fam- is that a song they teach there?

k. said...

Okay, typo! Easy! I have 6 nieces (right??)!

Heidi, yup- I think it's their official happy birthday song. We adopted it as our own a long time ago.

Jan said...

It's going to be fun! We're going to have a ball - We can hang together or separately as we wish, the food will be yummy, and those A frame accommodations will be just out of this world!!! :)

Kellie said...

I'm excited to see you!!

Bret said...

hmmm... are we not friends anymore?