Jul 8, 2008

Memory Lane.

I've seen this on a few blogs, & I want to play! Please play along. Or I'll feel stupid. Really, really stupid.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Unknown said...

I'm not ready to play this on my blog yet, but the first thing that came to my mind: we were roommates in "Red Brick Up" and came home one day to a clogged toilet that was still being used and together, decided that we absolutely couldn't stand that overwhelming urine smell any longer. So... your dad came to the rescue, put us up in some local motel for the night (clean showers, a working toilet, etc.) and we returned (and hid out in) our CLEAN shared room (in the apartment) until the big problem was solved. It was an adventure, as always, living in Red Brick Up. And nice to have a clean roommate. (Are you following a theme?) :)

Bret said...

I was just remembering all of the times that we made out.... just kidding.

I remember when we decided to drive to the lake from Provo one summer. It was getting pretty late so we stopped and purchased some Red Bull or something similar. We proceeded to drive and I was drinking my red bull while driving and I looked up at the road and noticed a car right in front of me. I swerved at the last second. I swear we went up on two wheels. I almost killed you.

Melissa said...

I have many memories growing up with you from trips to the lake, sleep overs, building forts, running from witches in my backyard, pre-school with you and Elizabeth at Kathy's house,playing dress-up, etc, etc.

One memory in particular I remember when were were maybe around 4 or 5 years old... we went around to all the houses in your neighborhood and picked a bouquet of beautiful flowers from neighbors yards. We came back with big smiles on our face proud to give these bouquets to our moms but we were in TROUBLE! My mom made me give a talk in primary about it. ha ha!

(I'm not quite ready to play this game yet on my blog...I will once I get caught up with my Spokane trip)

Tara Edwards said...

Oooo! I like this game! The first memory that pops into my mind is your face, looking over your shoulder, for most of the 1/2 marathon, dragging me along to the finsh line, and you never left me. Thanks for that! I think I would have caught a cab. But my earliest memory is of me doing your hair in braids in the bathroom. I thought you were like a little doll to dress up and you always looked so cute in your pretty clothes!

Sine family said...

I remember meeting you for the first time and having you come over to our demolished apartment. I can only imagine what you must have thought. So funny that that was the first time we met and that it was under such odd circumstances

Jan said...

I remember how sweet and good you were...So good that I sat in my sewing room one day (now called the computer room) and blithely sewed clothes for you guys for school....scarcely worried about what might be going on next door in the kitchen. When I came out to check on things, because it was way too quiet, I saw a sight which I will never forget. You'd pretty much emptied the lazy suzan in the corner of all my baking supplies, and had made a giant mess of flour, sugar, oatmeal and whatever else was handy. You name it, and it was on the floor, the carpet and all over you- from head to toe. The kitchen and you were literally covered in white dust, so it seemed. You were so happy though....like an artist with a blank canvas.

suz said...

The first one that popped in my head {and we have oh so many} is of us {You, me & Tara} standing in line hoping to buy tickets to Wicked when the lady came in and said she had tickets that she wanted to sell at face value to the first person who could gather the cash. We managed to get the money but not before you made a quick trip to the ATM while I nervously waited hoping no one else would beat us to it and Tara kept our place in line - just in case. The play was great! Thank you for seeing it again {for the third time-I think} I had so much fun and the way we got our tickets made it an adventure.

Kera said...

i remember you calling me up one day when I was at my home in logan (patrick put you up to it) and really reaching out to me and letting me know you had gone through similar things. I thought very cool for reasons I wont mention in this blog but very sweet.

I just have always really like you and looked up to you from the get go.

Bret said...

I have another memory in response to the memory you left on my blog.

I am pretty certain that I always scored at least a half grade higher than you in ALL of our classes.

Did I tell you that I think I got a job in Hong Kong?

Bret said...

Oh one more. This might actually be my favorite.

We were in your room studying something and we stopped and listened to "Come Thou Fount" over and over and over in complete silence...

Joanna said...

The first memory that comes to me is you running around Mosquito Bay with your swimsuit giving you a cute little wedgie. :) Sorry! But it is - maybe because is just saw that picture of your up at the lake. And then there's you dressed up like a cowgirl. You were so cute, and we were so PROUD of you!

Kellie said...

The first memory I thought of was the Saturday we spent walking the city in our flats that completely KILLED our feet by the end of the day. Sarah Jane's for a dress party, the Le Sport Sac sample sale at a random NYC warehouse, mac & cheese and chocolate chip cookies at the cafe I can't remember the name of and then shopping at Union Square ending with Trader Joe's where we carried multiple grocery bags on the subway. I still don't know how you made it the 10 blocks past my stop and the 4 or so blocks on foot to your apartment.

Sigh, I miss you and the city.

Unknown said...

Umm, right now I'm thinking about what a good friend you were to come over and watch E the other day. And how once we got home, we started all talking, and it got much later before we let you out of there to go home. Bland, I know, but it's what's on my mind. If only I had known you when you were young enough to run around in a swimsuit dressed up like a cowgirl?

Elizabeth said...

Okay so I wanted to save the best for last or somewhat last in case someone else wants to comment.

1. I remember Kathryn and I fighting so much that Christopher tied us in our rooms with a wire I think it was a vacuum cord.

2. I remember swearing on a cassette tape and using it to blackmail You for the longest time (keep in mind I was on the tape too so it would get me in trouble too) and it always worked.

3. I remember when you wore the cast on your hear and broke your toe that I was jealous since I had and still have never broken a bone in my body.

4. I remember the day you went to the temple and I got so sick on the way there and had patrick stop the car so I could throw up on the way. - and when you were married I remember thinking that I had never seen such a pretty bride.

5. I remember singing kiss the girl on the back of the bus in grade school

I remember not always liking my younger sister but always loving you and knowing that someday you were going to be amazing and shine and you really have. I look up to you more than you know and think that you are an amazing individual and I would not ask for a better sister and friend.