Jul 10, 2008

Please commit 15 minutes to reading this. Right now.

Seriously So Blessed.

(thanks for making my day, Julia! And to avoid confusion- this is a joke! It's supposed to be funny.)


Julia said...

I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. Truly, we are all so blessed for being so righteous.

Missy said...

Which one are we supposed to read?

Caitlin said...

wow, I can't even believe someone actually wrote that and put it online for others to read ( and judge). My favrotie line was on the next post about how she doesn't want to throw up because of her pregnancy and stain her white teeth. CRAZY!

k. said...

Missy, it's a joke. A satire that is making fun of mormon culture (like the obsession with Twilight [on the sidebar]), green jello, the quest for perfection, etc. etc.).

emily said...

I think this girl was at the temple the same day as my sisters wedding! :) It is THAT bad now. Hillarious.

Bri said...

Oh my gosh, who writes that? That is the funniest thing I've seen in a while.

Missy said...

I didn't actually read them before. I just saw it linked to a bunch of different posts and came back to your blog.

Who is it that writes it??

k. said...

I don't know who writes it, but I think she is my hero. :)

Melissa said...

oh my gosh...that is too funny!!