Jul 29, 2008


Don't make fun of me. I want one of these. They look like the tops that Indian women wear with their saris. My lovely sister Tara discovered them in Salt Lake last weekend & was kind enough to buy me one. I'm ordering more. No more bunchy messes under dresses. Perfect.


Jill said...

my torso is short and the other layering shirts always go way past my backside, this is a great idea

Heidi said...

That is a great idea. I bet it looks super sexy though by itself over the g's!

Tara Edwards said...

I know! Super sexy! Gotta love what it acompolishes though!

Missy said...

Oooh, that does make sense. I like the idea. And it makes for just one less layer, which is always nice. Imagine those with g's and a pregnant belly. Beautiful.

Elizabeth said...

I am too fat to wear that now but maybe someday.

Unknown said...

Oh, perfect for dresses. Brilliant!

Julia said...

Brilliant! I have been know to cut the bottoms off of shade shirts before...

Lindsey said...

I want one. I get so sick of layers and annoying bunchy messes.