Jul 17, 2008


I'm wearing this skirt today. It's easy & classy & perfect for work, but as it turns out, not so perfect for New York City. I became acutely aware today (the first time I've worn it) that it doesn't have a slit. It is sort of a bow shape (as in bow & arrow) & tapered at the knee, which means that walking in it isn't quite as easy as I'd hope. I'm prancing today, taking dainty little steps everywhere I go. This was not helpful when I had to run to the bus this morning (more like a scurry), or when I had to walk up the 44 stairs to the train platform in Harlem. Heels + no slit in my skirt = a very debilitating wardrobe choice in my urban environment.


Jennifer said...

Sucks. It's sorta like when I had to learn the hard way about wearing shirts that MIGHT EVEN SLIGHTLY move when I bent down to talk to my high schoolers. Wear and learn, I say.

Jill said...

too bad you couldn't just hike it up! ;) its very cute.

Elizabeth said...

How funny! - But it is a very cute skirt...maybe more suited for Sunday or evening wear....But not for getting in and out of Taxis I'm thinking.