Aug 18, 2008


I haven't worn shoes in three days.


Sine family said...

Oh the life. Have a great time. I'll pretend I'm there too.

Unknown said...

Have you jumped in the lake with your clothes on yet? I want to see the picture when you do :)

Jill said...

I keep thinking of you guys + your week at the lake. I hope you can feel the jealousy that is streaming though my fingertips as I type.

We miss you!

Anonymous said...

kathryn! hooray! i can leave you a note (finally)...hope you have a fabulous wonderful divine time! :)

eyre blog said...

I'm jealous!

Jill said...

p.s. how is the book reading?

Katherine said...

How fun! I wanted to come up there this week, but I have been out of town & life has been crazy! I hope you are having a fantastic time