Aug 6, 2008


1 week old. .

I was holding baby Winston yesterday & was awestruck by the simple yet profound miracle of life & creation. I was touched by the spirt of this sweet, pure, fresh baby. It's an incredibly unique & special experience to hold something so new to this world. It gives perspective.
Perspective is a necessary thing when life is hard. I was able to hold this sweet baby on the same day we heard that one of Mike's friends from BYU lost his beautiful baby girl in a tragic accident. I choked up several times throughout the day, thinking of this young family & the pain that they must be experiencing.
And then I thought of the various kinds of pain that I have felt personally, that members of my family have experienced, pain that friends have endured. It comes in all different shapes & sizes, in various circumstances, throughout different phases in our lives. None of us are immune from this pain that can be a direct result of our own imperfections, or in many cases, from nothing within our own control.
I felt peace today knowing that the atonement of Jesus Christ heals all. That's the answer. It heals those things that can be healed in no other way. It is infinite in depth & coverage & scope. It will soothe & comfort these parents as they mourn their loss, it allows & encourages the imperfect to try again, & it will allow a sweet, beautiful child like Winston to go back home again someday.


Jill said...

thanks for your words. it really is amazing the perspective that comes from the gospel... eternity. it aome how makes things easier to bare. i'm so sorry to hear about mike's friend, i cannot even imagine. especially after holding a new baby in my arms.

sweet picture of winston.

eyre blog said...

I have to set a time limit when I get on your blog because I get sucked in and read everything! Maybe is i just visit more often I won't have to catch up so much! I love this post. Thanks for your perspective.

Caitlin said...

And I was just congratuling myself for getting through the day without getting emotional about this baby. Isn't the blessing of the atonement and the plan of salvation just so perfect and comforting. You can come hold this boy anytime you need to be reminded. I have known so many people in the last months who have had tragic things happen to their new babies and it makes me realize how lucky I am to have him here healthy and safe. I would die if anything happened to him, but it is comforting to know that we all can have the opportunity to return to our Heavenly father with those we love. Thank you for your perspective. Your spiritual thoughts are always so touching.