Sep 27, 2008

I'm scared.

First, I should mention that I watched all 90+ minutes of the debate last night & thought that McCain dominated Obama in the arena of foreign policy. But seriously? Sarah Plain? Potential Vice President of the United States? No wonder they're barely letting her speak to the press.
Thanks, Dooce.


Elizabeth said...

McCain did do well we watched it all as well. As far as she is concerned ya she should not open her mouth is is just me or does she stutter a lot?

Jan said...

I agree....totally. Hopefully we'll be surprised.....but likely not. We can only hope the powers that be will have coached her sufficiently, and that she will listen. Fortunately Joe Biden is not much better in my eyes.

k. said...

Mom, your words "hope" & "fortunately" indicate that you are clearly a McCain supporter. That's perfectly fine, but I'm still on the fence so I'm not really "hoping" for any sort of miracle with Sarah Palin. It's not like they can "change" her... her experience is what it is. And that's that.

Anonymous said...

honey, just remember what ed koch said about Palin, "She scares the hell out of me."

and she should...which i am so sad about since i had hoped she would be a an influential voice AND WOMAN in politics. i mean, really, i was not a huge fan of Hillary, but at least that tiger had brains. scary too, but brains...and a plan.

Missy said...


And I love the new header with the red apple.

Joanna said...

Man... that is just AWKWARD. Bleh.