People should not call, & then not leave a message. And then call again a few short minutes later, & then not leave a message. And then call
again, just in case I actually pick up this time, & then not leave a message when I (surprise) don't.
.Voicemail - & caller ID - were invented for a reason.
I'm just saying.
I am sorry I did call once today. I figured you would see I called but I will not do that again.
Unless you called me 17 times in a 2 hour period, it definitely wasn't you. :)
That is so funny. I was thinking about that in the shower today. It seems that I get calls from unknown numbers quite frequently. I wish there was a way I could communicate to them that if they expect me to call them back, they better leave a message. I am not going to call an unknown number and say, "did you just call me?"
google the number. i had that happen to me yesterday (3 calls) and after googling found it was capital one. no thanks!
I don't have caller id so I can't screen, but do you know who it was?!
Yup. Definitely knew who it was and didn't answer for a reason. :) (it was professional- can't really elaborate via the www).
I hate when people don't leave messages, especially when I have no idea who they are and why they are calling. But I am guilty of not leaving messages sometimes, I hate the way my voice sounds on recordings. Is that the dumbest reason ever?
Okay, I know you're talking about me, but in my defense, the reason I call back is because I figure you're in a tunnel, or on an elevator, and the call doesn't go through, and you haven't looked to see if you have any missed calls, and it's very easy to hit the send button again. And I hate to wait through all the instructions after voice mail picks up to actually leave a message.
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