Sep 18, 2008

This week:

  • I am sick for the 8th day in a row. Please, please go away dry cough & sore throat. I'm going to turn into a bumble bee soon thanks to all of the tea + honey I've consumed, & I'd love to be able to get through a sentence without coughing.
  • I had to cancel on my very diligent visiting teacher for I think the 3rd time in a row, putting me on the list of MOST TERRIBLE PEOPLE EVER. I'll thank the Dow's 450-point drop yesterday as the latest excuse of why I was at work so late. Sorry Suzi. Oh- & I missed Julia's birthday party on Monday. Boo.
  • I sort of feel like the sky is falling. Being involved in Wall Street (as vague & broad a term as that is) during this financial crisis is both exciting & terrifying. I'm very, very conscious of all of the people around me that are negatively effected, & my job makes me acutely aware of the real anxiety that exists right now.
  • I slept 8 hours (in a row) for the first time in probably three weeks last night. It made the 5:30 alarm clock not so bad, & really, I feel so much better. I even made Mike an English muffin (with jam) before he left for Seminary. I'm such a good wife.
  • I've commited to making small goals that are easier to keep, so that I won't get so depressed when I fail to keep the really big ones that I just can't seem to. Example: I'd love to spend an hour at the gym every single day so that I will look like Heidi Klum, but it just can't happen most (any?) days. Solution: 8 minute Abs + 20 pushups every morning. That only takes about 10 minutes, so there is little excuse to not get it done, & then at least I'm doing something beyond typing a few thousand words a day. Once I get this whole go-to-be-early-wake-up-early routine down, I'm going to work on getting in a morning run in a few times a week.
  • I've realized that my pleas of almost exactly a year ago have done no use. These are still everywhere (& I still hate them). I almost thought that these were cute, but then quickly changed my mind. Just because something is trendy doesn't mean we have to wear it.
  • I'm so tired of this presidential election. I've determined that both candidates (& their VP's for that matter) are just ridiculous - in a bad way. Have you seen the (very legitimate, not written by "crazy liberals") fact checks on Sarah Palin? Both in print & on the news? They make me really angry, & feeling like the woman has actually been intentionally deceitful. I'm sorry, but I don't really believe that American women are dumb enough to vote for a candidate simply because his VP has ovaries, too. The realization that we don't have a great candidate to vote for has left me feeling hopeless (sorry, Barack) & frustrated. I really wish Bloomberg had run. At least then we'd have someone who actually understands the economy (vs. McCain's incoherent mess on the Today Show). I guess it means I'm voting for Ruth White.
  • I dream of no lines at Shake Shack. We've tried a few times over the past few weeks but the line is always way too long. Winter is always a good time to go, I suppose, but it also means shivering through your Shack Burger. I can't win.


Unknown said...

I think the UWS shake shack might be indoors. Things could be looking up soon!

Heidi said...

I do agree with you on candidates, I wish I didn't have to vote for either party right now...

Oh and I am curious about your job... I think I kind of know what you do but I didn't know it was related to Wall Street, I would like to know more and how it is affecting you!

k. said...

Emma- it is! In October. Can't wait.

Heidi- I run Recruiting for a
$10bn hedge fund- I hire all of our investment professionals, do ER work, campus recruiting, compensation, other special projects... etc.

Anonymous said...

hey gorgeous lady!
i didn't even realize you were feeling under the weather! :( if you need anything let me know...

i've been wondering about your thoughts with the crazy mess on wall street and also the global market impact. i was reading The Times which emphasized London, England, and Japan all pumping currencies into their economies.

and i have been purposefully avoiding all media regarding politics for now as i try to sort through my thoughts about what i'd like to see happen with america and then find the platform that matches...

chelsea mckell said...

McCains mess on the Today show wasnt nearly as bad as his awkward appearance on The View.
And I disagree - there are millions of American women dumb enough to vote for someone just because they have ovaries. Sad, but true.

Jill said...

way to go on the small goals, it is always at night i change my mind about the gym in the a.m.

Jill said...

oh, and i second your wish for bloomberg!

Lindsey said...

The economy is SCARY right now. I have a couple friend's whose husbands are out of jobs thanks to Lehman Brothers. No more paychecks, stock options worth zelch, etc. So sad.

Agreed about Palin. Lame.

Oh, and I'm excited about London! Do you know where you're staying yet? Do you get to play while Mike works (other than the weekend, or course)? I should just email you.

Jennifer said...

You're have that going for you even if everything else sucks big time.

Living with a man who works in politics means that I've learned to tune most of it out. Who's Sarah Palin?

...kidding, of course.