Oct 22, 2008

For the anxious.

Hope is the anticipation that the outcome will be good.

Worry is the anticipation that the outcome will be bad.

Faith is the anticipation that whatever the outcome, it will be for our good.

(I read this today on one of the many blogs that is following NieNie. I choke up every day reading about their story)


Mindi said...

My sister-in-law's uncle was the pilot of the plane who saved the woman (Nie Nie). He was very close to his niece, it was tragic for everyone that knew him.. as I am sure it has been for those who knew the rest of those involved in that horrible accident.

It's astounding to me how widespread their story, website and their cause has gotten. I hope they have lots of support. I know just the 48 hours that Nadia's Uncle was in intensive care cost tens of thousands of dollars. I can't imagine how much these other bills have added up to! So sad.

Jill said...

I am still following too. Its really inspiring.