Oct 9, 2008

I should be packing right now.

I've had this bag for the last few months from Anthropologie that I've loved. I wish I had a picture. It is (was) perfectly roomy & unique- yellow/cream/brown + a big huge bow. Sounds lovely, right? Well- it broke. More or less. I just noticed yesterday that the leather handle was coming unravelled, the first step towards eventual total destruction. I could see the writing on the wall. I happened to be carrying it today, & just happened to be near an Anthropolgie so I ran in to see what they could do for me. They let me exchange it for another bag (a different one), but that meant that I had to dump all of my stuff from my broken-bag, onto the counter, & then into my new bag after I had returned the broken bag & paid for the new bag. I don't think the woman checking me out really know what she was getting into. The look on the her face was priceless when she saw my pile of stuff.

In my bag:
  • A green scarf (a surprise gift from Mike yesterday- so sweet)
  • My wallet
  • A deck/presentation I'm working on at work
  • Two Blackberries (one for international use this weekend & next week)
  • The Book of Mormon (I just finished it- & I know it's true)
  • Lipgloss
  • An external hard drive
  • A notebook full of ideas/emails from friends (thank you.) regarding what to do in London
  • A photography book specific to my camera
  • My ID badge for work
  • A huge Jona Gold apple from last weekend
  • The Time Out guide to London
  • October's edition of The Ensign (I found an answer in it today & I was happy)
  • An earpiece for the Blackberry
  • A little bag full of odds & ends (bandaid, tampon, hair tie, business card holder, mini brush/mirror, pen, highlighter, keys)

I made quite the mess. But it's all stuff I need. Hence the life of a commuter I suppose. No wonder my back hurts all the time.

If you feel like being tagged, I tag you to post about what's in your bag.


Elizabeth said...

that's a lot of stuff. That's great the took care if you like that.

Jill said...

Perfect scarf! Mike you're awesome.

Too bad about the cute bag being ruined... are you happy with the new one?

Heidi said...

Love the scarf! Hopt to see it on you in picture of you in London

Missy said...

Wait, they let you exchange it for a new one? Even though yours was used? And did you have to pay for the new one? Which one did you get? Probably not the questions you were expecting on this post, but I love when stores actually exchange it when something breaks (like Nordstrom).

k. said...

Yup- they gave me full price (in credit) for the "old" one (only a few months old, really) and then I bought a "new" one (different). Fun, right? The new one? It's pink. Sort of rose pink. Mike thinks it's ugly. :) I sort of love it. It's on their website- comes in brown, too. Leather. A nice size- big enough for my big camera, my wallet, and a book (perfect).

Lizzie said...

The bag that broke - was it the same one I have?! I'm so sorry ... that bag is the greatest. I hope you love the new one! That is great they exchanged it.