Oct 26, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. W go for a walk.

We went to church, ate pizza for lunch, napped, & ate dinner with good friends (Nathan & Sarah Jane). We like Sundays.

On the way home from dinner, Mike asked me if the mold on my head was keeping me warm.


Meg said...

I think the "mold" on your head is SUPER cute!

Heidi said...

Seriously your husband is funny. Does Sarah have a new baby? Love Sundays like that!

Heidi said...

Oh and Stephanie Nielsen's daughter is wearing the same headband in a video that is linked on CJane's blog. It's cute.

Jan said...

Oh - and your Grandmother Hudson would have really loved it.......You look like a movie star...Greta Garbo maybe.

Kera said...

yep, like it lots.

RR said...

So, so cute! I wish I could rock the headband like you, but with th kiddo, it really would be mold in minutes.

RR said...

This is Jen R. by the way. I'm on Ryan's computer.

suz said...

I love it! I think you look cute!

Kellie said...

I'm sure if I wore the headband, a similar comment would come out of J's mouth. And, when did you cut your hair so short!?

k. said...

Heidi, yup she does. Baby Norah is darling.
And K, I didn't cut it. you're just seeing layers in the front. I DO have a haircut this week though. We'll see. :)

Melissa said...

I LOVE your headband. Super cute.

Tara Edwards said...

I like it! And it fits your head perfectly! I would look like a dork, but you look like an Anthroplogy comercial! Style Queen!

Unknown said...

I love it. Wish I would have done something like that (in cream) for my wedding. :)

I like the short look.

Jill said...

your outfit was rocking on sunday. i loved the bright pink skirt paired with gray.

mike is funny. mold never looked so good.

Missy said...

Love it. Wish I could see the whole ensemble. And you look beautiful - like a painting almost.

Elizabeth said...

I really like it better on then off in fact.

Lindsey said...

You do look like a movie star. I love the headband, but alan doesn't get accessories like that either. :)

I am liking the shorter look of your hair in that pic!

Lizzie said...

I already emailed this to you, but I love the headband. I also love the story because it sounds like something my Dad would say. Mike is witty.