Oct 7, 2008


We spent the weekend in New Canaan with our friends Brad & Jill. A deer crossed the road in front of us on our way to dinner Friday night & Jill yelled out We're in the wild! We're in the wild! We definitely weren't in New York City anymore, & for a few days, it was very, very nice.


Tara Edwards said...

Don't you just love the smells and colors of fall! If it didn't include so much rain, I would be in heaven, but even with the rain, I love it.

Kera said...

the pictures are amazing. I'm so impressed. Too bad we don't have a camera anymore :(

Tara Edwards said...

Beautiful pictures, Kathryn. I love the big white pumpkins. My new favorite apples are Honey Crisps ....Did you introduce them to me? I made a pie with them last night - They're just the perfect balance of sweet and tart, and are oh so crisp...wonderful for cooking and eating. I believe they've eclipsed all others as my favorites. I just love fall. It's getting beautiful here and the colors are rich and vibrant with just a touch of great color here and there. Harrison and I love walking the streets and identifying flowers. This morning we saw tiny pine cones, bright red leaves and black- berries. We stop and smell the roses and try to pronounce geranium over and over again. It's kind of a tricky word for a three year old it turns out. Pure bliss for a grandma. xoxoxoMom (on Tara's computer)

Melissa said...

I love all the fall pictures you took. You are getting good!

Joanna said...

Beautiful! I wish I had more than leaves to photograph here.... Love the apple shot!

Kellie said...

Looks like so much fun. Reminded me of our weekend in CT and the Raccoon Saloon.

Lindsey said...

gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous pictures.

Missy said...

I was going to say "gorgeous" but everyone else has already said it. Really, that looks like the perfect weekend. Did you get lots of apples? Like enough to make an apple pie or something? I hope!