Oct 18, 2008

On the subway. With Joshua Radin.

(In my dreams.)

I had a dream last night that Mike & I ran into Joshua (I call him Joshua) on the subway & he told us that he had written a new song that he wanted to sing for us. It was beautiful. We also talked to him about how he was happy again, & how that was just so great (even though on the inside, I sort of wished he was sad again, or at least that his new music - though I like it - wasn't so poppy). I want to see him in concert again. I loved this song live (except when we saw him perform it, it was much slower... & he was on the verge of tears throughout the whole song. Okay. I guess I'm glad he's happy again.):

1 comment:

Heidi said...

When I read the post heading I got all excited for you! I would love to see him live someday (performing, but on the subway would be cool too ;-))