Oct 29, 2008

Proposition 8 (deep breath).

What a complicated issue. Honestly - were in not for the position of the church, I feel like it would be that much more complicated for me. I'm not a blind follower, but I am really grateful that we are provided with clarity in areas that really are so grey. I support same-sex unions & equal rights for domestic partners (of any sex). I believe in agency. I have a diverse group of friends, & I hope to always be accepting of those who are unique (in whatever way, shape or form). Like I said- this issue is complicated, & sometimes, it's personal.

Like Jan & Tom in this video, I have friends, who just happen to be gay. I don't define them by their sexual orientation (nor do they define me by mine). I love them, without "strings".

So, it's sort of hard sometimes. To know people who this could effect. Whose lives could be changed, because of it.

My (admittedly limited) understanding, however, leads me to believe that Proposition 8 is fundamentally about protecting children & their rights. I don't believe it's about discrimination against those who might lead a different lifestyle than I do. I don't believe that the church is against those who are gay. I do believe that the traditional family unit is sacred. I think this statement, from those who are ordained by God to lead His church, is pretty clear:

The Church’s teachings and position on this moral issue are unequivocal. Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God, and the formation of families is central to the Creator’s plan for His children. Children are entitled to be born within this bond of marriage.

I think this video presents a very clear, simple (albeit not flawless) argument in support of Proposition 8.
Up for discussion (cricket, cricket).


Heidi said...

To me it seems to be more about infringing on my rights as a parent and my religious beliefs (if I lived in California) than about equality for all.

Erin said...

This is awesome. Thanks. I'm going to put it on my blog too.

Ryan said...

I agree. That was very well put.

Bret said...

Just a thought to munch on...

Regardless of the outcome of prop 8 same sex couples will still adopt and raise children. Perhaps the church should support a movement to ban/enforce legal adoption by same-sex couples instead of legal marriage.

As a gay man, this seems like a more logical and appropriate approach if the church really is concerned with the integrity of a typical normal family.

Lets be honest though, how many LDS families don't fit into the classification of a typical normal family? How many single parent families are there? I would argue that divorce among LDS families has a much much larger impact on the sanctity of marriage than same-sex unioins ever will.

k. said...

I’m munching… and I’m always glad to have your perspective, Bret.

I agree with you in that this obviously isn’t “fixing” (for lack of a better word) the fact that children are not always born into home where they have a mom + a dad for their entire lives. Sometimes a child might only have 1 parent who is present- or maybe even none at all. I know that the church is not naïve enough to believe that, and I don't think that is their sole aim here. I think that there are a lot of things that are “attacking” the family, so to speak, and the church aims to protect the family as it can. It’s really complex. I don’t really understand it all… But, like I said… I believe in a divinely inspired prophet, and that helps with the areas that I don’t understand. I hope that doesn’t mean that I’m just saying, “Bah, bah” like a blindly-following sheep.