Oct 8, 2008


I agree with Matt. Last night's debate was boring. I kept falling asleep. I don't like either one of them, & it's frustrating to see the negative turn this campaign has taken. McCain calling Obama that one didn't help much, either. Maureen Dowd's piece in the New York Times this morning was interesting- "If McCain loses, he will have contributed to his own downfall by failing to live up to his personal standard of honor." Amen.

Another interesting article - The Worst Debate Ever. "How the hell did candidates manage to be so timid and uninspiring at a time when American troops are in two problematic wars, the world financial markets are in scary free fall and the Dow has lost 1,400 points since Oct. 1? This is a moment history rarely sees – and both men blew it."

PS- I consider myself pretty balanced in terms of the information I receive, especially considering that my two major sources of news are a) The New York Times & their blatant liberal bias & b) Drudge Report, who clearly has Republican leanings (probably an understatement).

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I was so frustrated yesterday watching the debate. It's like they both sucked my will to live out of me! The scale-tipping factor for me is: which President is going to nominate Supreme Court Justices that will sway the Supreme Court well into my boys lives. But who am I kidding? I live in Utah... my electoral votes are already committed.