Oct 3, 2008

This will be fun.

We tested it out while we were watching the debate last night. Next time I will be wearing makeup & maybe my bangs won't be pinned back (they were really bothering me- I hate my bangs) & my face won't look like I'm breaking the world record for Chubby Bunny... when I'm not even playing. Luckily I just used my blackberry for the photo & the details are fuzzy.
We're going to New Canaan (with lovely friends) tonight where we are going to check out the leaves, go apple picking, make yummy food & watch conference. It's going to be beautiful & cool & crisp. I'm so excited. It's slipper season too, so I definitely packed mine, in addition to everything else I own. I lugged three bags to work today (via shuttle bus, subway, a short walk through Harlem & a Metro North train ride to Greenwich- such a pain). Clothes bag + purse (may as well be a clothes bag) + camera bag with three cameras, just in case. SLR + point & shoot + ghetto Polaroid. Can't wait.


Lindsey said...

Did you buy a polaroid? I love it. Have the best time this weekend! Sounds so lovely (other than the luggage part).

Lindsey said...

oh and you don't look chubby. AT ALL.

Jill said...

Please be nice to my friend Kathryn, I like her and I think it is the perfect first polaroid.

Oh I wish I had slippers. I can handle beautiful + cool + crisp. Yeah!


Lula. said...

That polaroid is so fun. I wish I had one! And you don't look chubby at all...or any of those other things. But I hear you about those bangs. I hate mine right now, too.

Julia said...

Love the Polaroid! And you look great (especially considering what you were watching).

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

girl - you look fabulous in the polaroid...where is that sartorialist guy? have a great time - it sounds like a perfect autumn trip! looking forward to the photos...

Elizabeth said...

wait you actually bought a polaroid camera I didn't think they even made those anymore? why did you buy that when you have such a good camera?

dad said...

A polaroid is so retro. Next thing you'll be buying a PT Cruiser

Elizabeth said...

I cant believe dad used the word retro kinda cool!