Oct 20, 2008


I'm such a hypocrite for making fun of The Hills... & yet loving the trash that is called Gossip Girl.




Lindsey said...

I know. I get sucked into Gossip Girl too.

Heidi said...

Well I think they are both trash AND I watch them both. So you are better than I (me?)

Julia said...

I love GG too, and feel a little guilty about it.

Tara Edwards said...

I would never ever watch shows like that.

Who am I kidding.

We put the kids to bed at 8:00 so we can watch GG, and we never miss the Hills.

Jill said...

i'm afraid i went on detox from both, if you ever need a 'program' let me know. its not so bad 'going without'. only occasional withdrawals. :)

jocelyn said...

guilty...of enjoying both. does mike watch with you? brady pretends he hates them but somehow always seems to still know what all of the characters are up to!

k. said...

Mike DID watch The Hills with me in London, but to be fair, I don't think he enjoyed it- he kept wanting to punch Spencer Pratt in the face (me too!). He does come up with very random references every so often (with GG, etc), so I'm sure that he's secretly paying attention, without being so obvious that he'll get caught. :)