Nov 23, 2008

Day of not-so-much-rest.

The lime, used to make the salsa.

Mike just yelled, I want my Sunday back!!
We feel like we've been cooking all day long. We had the missionaries over for dinner tonight & earlier in the week I decided to let Mike plan what we would make. He chose Tyler Florence's Chicken Enchiladas with Roasted Tomatillo Chile Salsa. Mike secretly (or not so secretly) loves the Food Network, so of course he picked something ultimate. I hadn't scanned through the recipe before this afternoon, but quickly found out that it was c-o-m-p-l-i-c-a-t-e-d. I know that Mike had looked at the ingredients (he bought them all), but he didn't necessarily look at the 29 steps involved in chopping/roasting/sauteing/veloute-ing all of them. It took hours. 2 1/2, to be exact, not to mention the subsequent THREE loads of dishes in the dishwasher. We're exhausted. End result: The enchilada (+ salsa) portion turned out great. We'll skip the rice & black beans next time.

Oh- I chopped my finger open, too. Ouch. AND broke a piece off of my food processor.


Heidi said...

I actually saw that episode and thought the chicken enchiladas looked so good- I love tomatillos. Good to know the rice and black beans were not worth it.

Jennifer said...

Yum. I love tomatillo salsa too. I always ask for it when we go out to Mexican.

Mike said...

((endless chopping + disjointed cooking instructions) / my Sunday afternoon)) - flavor = sooooo wack

Katherine said...

that sounds yummy!

Elizabeth said...

Kathryn I am so impressed.. it seems like only yesterday you cooked the pizza for Patrick and I with the cardboard still on the bottom..

Jan said...

It sounds delicious! BUT any recipe with words like veloute and flash has to be suspect. Mike is the MAN! A guy who cooks rates five stars in my book, any day. I have gotten away from regular tortillas, so much preferring the uncooked variety we find at COSTCO. That might be fun to try next time, though it does involve one extra step. Anyone out there who has a favorite brand of the traditional type, let me know.I'm sorry you never got your rest(a vital part of a true Sunday) - wish I could have been there to do the dishes for you. I surely hope the missionaries appreciated your efforts!

Lindsey said...

That sounds like so much work! I hope the missionaries appreciated it. :)

I do love tomatillo salsa though. My favorite.

Jill said...

I bet your house was full of smell. :) That does sound complicated but tasty. Way to go.

I hope your finger is okay. I chopped mine pretty good a month ago and I just got my fingernail to look normal again.

Kera said...

Patrick and our new "friends" got funeral potatoes and ham for our sunday dinner. EASIEST recipe ever!!!

So, I thought you wrote that you chopped some of your finger into the food processor, I was mistaken, but am still dry heaving at the thought.