Nov 12, 2008

Half way point.

Remember how I was supposed to be getting up at 5:00am with Mike so that I could go to the gym while he slaved away teaching seminary? Yeah, I haven't quite done that yet. It's so dark & cold in the mornings & my bed is so warm & cozy. Who wants to exercise when the sun hasn't even come up yet? Sigh. I really do lack discipline.
I'm trying to work on other things, though. The 14th of this month is 3 months without caffeine. I don't miss it anymore, although some days I wish I could inject in straight into my veins. Especially around 3:00pm. I guess that means that I might miss it a little bit.
We had Family Home Evening last night- just the two of us. I said the opening prayer, we sang a song (I sang alto, Mike supplied the music via hymns on his iPhone- cool), I gave the lesson & Mike brought treats (from Bouley Bakery- yum). It was fun, & I'm glad we did it.
I've been better at cooking lately, too - meaning, I've actually been trying to cook, instead of us eating out at all the yummy restaurants in our neighborhood. Sunday night was Parmesan Herb Crusted Chicken, salad & sweet corn. Monday was Chicken with Raita & a Golden Pilaf. Last night - Spaghetti with Mini Meatballs & salad. Someday soon I'm going to make Jill's Peppercorn Biscuits & eat them as a meal all by themselves. We'll likely be eating out the rest of the week, but 3 days out of 7? That's not so bad for us.
I went & got a pedicure this morning. My toes (A List Red) are thanking me. They're so much happier- & I am, too. It's all about the small things, right?
My parents are coming into town tomorrow. I hope they have a good time in our city. They haven't been here in a while, so I'm excited. We'll be hitting up Norma's for brunch, Shake Shack for dinner at least once, & Dinosaur Bar B Que in Harlem on Saturday. We might even think of something to do besides eat.


Sine family said...

We had planned on going to the temple too and aren't sure if we should. I told Jared that I almost think we should just to show that we aren't going to let that stop us from doing what we need to do and further the work. But at the same time I'm scared. :)

Jan said...

There's a protest planned at the Spokane Temple on Thursday night too. I feel sad.
On a much brighter note - We're coming for a visit, and I'm SO excited! New York in the! Just being with you is treat enough, but we'll get in lots of great things..from dawn to dusk. Suggestions anyone?

PJ and Julie said...

there is nothing better then eating out! But hooray for cooking 3 nights of 7. Maybe one day I will try some of the yummy recipes you supply.

Jill said...

Ya I haven't been doing well at my gym time either... but I have been doing better in other areas so little by little I'll get there.

Let me know if the Dinosaur BBQ is good.

Heidi said...

This post made me hungry

Bret said...

I miss my iPhone.

My BB already broke and had to be replaced.

ps- How disgusting is it that the word verification word that I have to enter to submit this comment is "panti"?

Ben said...

Panie Whiting -

Calendar = checked.
Planks = waxed.
Game = on like Donkey Kong.

Only problem now is I feel even worse for missing the 2 for 1 tickets at the football games, oh well.

p.s. You probably have this covered but if you do need a place to stay we are open.

chelsea mckell said...

we are quite opposite on this one... I do my gym time religiously, but my toes are extremely neglected, I haven't cooked anything more complicated than spaghetti in months, and our FHE's are lame, if not nonexistent. Sigh.
That's awesome your parents are visiting. I like them. I don't know if I ever told you about the trick I played on my mom... I emailed her that postcard you found of "your parents" jumping off "their dock" nude. My mom freaked out - she totally thought it was legit. She called me, flabbergasted, wanting an explanation as to why I would have such a picture. Hilarious.