Nov 25, 2008

Jumping on the band wagon.

I saw Twilight last night at the Cinema @ Lincoln Center, with an appropriate number (i.e. lots) of girls in their mid-to-late 20's & early 30's (don't judge- we're all very reasonable & smart). Before I left work - having mentioned that I was leaving to see it - someone said to me, Are you a tween?! Well - no, I'm not, but I did readily admit to reading the four really long books about vampire love, & explained that I just had to see the film after all of that effort. Plus, I genuinely did want to see it, social pressures or not. A true guilty pleasure.

I went in with appropriately low expectations, having the perspective from the books (entertaining, yet silly), & having heard from friends who likened it to a Hallmark movie or an after school special. This being said, based on my initial (low) expectations, I liked it. Expectations were met, but not surpassed. It's not winning any Oscars by any means, but it was fun. I liked the music. Some of cinematography was actually very beautiful. I'd like to own Edward's car someday. But oh my gosh, it was just so awkward at times - like the majority of the first three-quarters of it I had my hand over my mouth because it was just that bad (bad meaning so absolutely, painfully uncomfortable). We sort of giggled our way through the entire film, & probably right through those parts that were intended to be quite serious. Edward's bright red lips made me laugh, the extra-pasty-white faces of the Cullen family made me laugh, & the part when Bella's dad said Remember who you are, Bella made me laugh. But it was fun, & I smiled my way through it. Besides, everyone needs a girl's night out every so often.

It was $12.75 (gasp - thank you, NYC) well spent.


di said...

bravo! :) i concur. and it was a riot watching you slap your hand across your mouth to keep from busting up too much...oh, i love teen movies. awkward.

Kera said...

now I want to see it again :) never thought I'd say that.

Jennifer said...

I don't know if I can do it. I only managed to get through the first book--I couldn't take any more of it.

BUT, I do like movies and since I'm back at my parents and have all kinds of babysitters, I might just take advantage...

Jill said...

I wonder if the Edward actor knows he is now the object of so many obsessions. Scary.

(for the record, I'm not obsessed) :)

Heidi said...

I LOVE teenage romantic awkwardness. I don't love awkward running with Bella on the back/fake glittering skin/tree jumping/I want to eat you when I smell you looks. But I can definitely put up with it. My only real problem with the movie was not enough making out. yep I am that kind of girl.

Melissa said...

Even if it is awkward and cheesy I'm still excited to see it tonight!! :)

Missy said...

I totally wish I had someone to go see it with. Jen! Let's go over Christmas.

I love Heidi's comment - not enough making out. I would have thought there would be lots:)

Lindsey said...

I am with Jen... I barely made it through the first book and stopped 50 pages into the second. I just SO embarrased for the characters and their cheesy lines!

But I DO want to see the movie anyway.

Elizabeth said...

I cant believe how expensive movies are.. I am going to see it again next week. They just signed all the actors for the next two movies and summit purchased rights to new moon and eclipse and WB is supposedly trying to get breaking dawn. They also have double the budget for the next movie so it will be interesting to see what happens...

Debbie said...

Hi Kaythryn - ol' seminary teacher here :) I read all "4" - didn't quite get your Mom on board. Here is something a lot of "girls" my age might not admit - "we like romance, AND vampires - in fact, thats enough for a good romp - which the movie was for me"
I was a little disappointed that the friendship with Jacob was not explored more. Great action scenes though. I like looking at your blog every so often. Debbie