Nov 27, 2008


I'm also grateful to be alive.

I woke up at 6:23am this morning with a jolt - make that a sharp, piercing pain in my arm. Something had clearly bitten me. It was dark, so I ran into the bathroom & turned on the light.
Blood. A bite. Starting to get swollen.
I woke up Mike.

He ran for the Bendryl & calamine lotion & aspirin (it was really painful & he was covering all of the bases- he's good like that).

It finally stopped hurting.

When I asked, Why did the spider have to bite ME? Mike responded with, Because you have the sweetest blood of any woman on the earth.

He hasn't even seen Twilight.

Luckily, the venom didn't spread to my heart & cause massive cardiac arrest, so I'm still alive, albeit with a slightly swollen & really blotchy & red arm.

Blasted spiders. I'm changing our sheets today.

We're off to watch the Turkey Bowl.

UPDATE: It was a wasp! We found it in our bedroom this morning, buzzing around & waiting for another opportunity to suck my blood. This being said, it received a quick execution from my protective husband via a rolled up magazine. Meanwhile, my arm is puffy, red & itching like crazy.


Jill said...

ohhh that is scary. so much for the blessed attic.

Jan said...

My worst bite ever was when I stepped on a wasp at Grandma's. It was so terrible that I almost could not walk for two days. I certainly do feel your pain!

Elizabeth said...

I'm sorry but if it makes you feel better I don't think it sucked your blood just stung you....