Dec 5, 2008


This morning I maybe got a little choked up on the subway, & perhaps even shed a few tears.
Because I'm grateful for my friends.
And because I feel blessed, & watched over.
And even though I saw a man peeing on the sidewalk in Harlem (gross, but not totally surprising), the tears were still coming as I walked to the train platform.
Because I have these friends who I can have joint custody of clothes with, & who make me laugh so hard that I cry.
The tears - I'll blame them on the cold (it was really cold this morning).
Or maybe because I've been listening to Hotel Cafe's Christmas album nonstop for the last 24 hours (& especially this song, which is just so hauntingly beautiful), which was recommended from a friend that I haven't quite met in person yet.
I'm grateful for those friends too.
And for music. I really, really love good music.


Lindsey said...

Laughing so hard you cry is the best. Friends really are such a blessing.

I will have to check out that album. Sara Barielles is from my hometown. I guess she and Restoration Hardware are our mainstream claim to fames, as weed, hippies and loggers aren't quite as cool.

Heidi said...

I am really glad you are liking the album! Soon we will meet ;-)

Jill said...

Don't make me turn on my fountain again. So what are the joint rights? :) Do we need Jared to mediate?

Sine family said...

I already talked to Jared about our joint custody and he is coming up with a contract. I love having joint custody with you guys. Oh i have a hot date next that my weekend?

Caitlin said...

I didn't know my giveaways were going to cause so much contention. I might just need to withdraw your custody rights if this continues.

Lula. said...

You are lucky to have such good (and close!) friends. True friends are really the best.