Dec 8, 2008

Origins, or originality.

In junior high I wanted to be just like my older brother Patrick so I listened to Pearl Jam religiously until I knew every single word to every single album. I saw them in concert three times.

My college roommate Kelli - & still friend – always wore fun socks. Stripes, polka dots & mixed patterns. Never plain, always fun. Since then, I always try to wear fun socks with sneakers. It's just more interesting.

My friend Missy – she started using italics instead of quote marks for dialogue or extra-emphasis in her writing on her blog. She's a really good writer. I liked it, so I started doing it. She was also the first person I noted who was using {these pretties} instead of (these). There was a period of time where I decided to use them, too.

My first visiting teacher in NYC was this beautiful, classy girl who had lived here for a few years already & was so sophisticated. She signed all of her emails "w.". I've been doing "k." for the 3 ½ years since.

My sister Joanna has beautiful, dark hair. I wanted beautiful, dark hair too, so that's been my shade of choice off & on for the past few years. I like that I look sort of like her.

A girl at my first job in NYC had a Longchamp bag, along with every other early-20's girl in Manhattan. I had to have one.

My across-the-pond friend Lindsey bought a pair of shoes & posted them on her blog. I bought them a few days later.

When I worked at Goldman Sachs, all of the girls (typically prissy, & from New Jersey) had Vera Bradley travel bags for our frequent trips. I bought one. I think it's sort of ugly now.

My friend Kellie is smart & driven & feisty & balanced all at the same time. I want to be like her.

My friend Jill uses (+) instead of (&) or (and). I also use (+) sometimes now. I like the way it looks.

A friend in high school introduced me to MAC when I was an impressionable sophomore. I wanted my eyes to look just like hers.

My friend Caitlin has great style. She wears a lot of flats & convinced me that I can look just as cute in them as I can in heels.

Ruth, Caitlin, Sarah Jane & I all have the same skirt from JCrew that we often wear to church. Ruth & I were twinners on Sunday. It was cute.

I've been influenced by people. Obviously. We all are, directly or indirectly. We have friends, colleagues & random strangers that we interact with on a daily basis that give us ideas, inspire & influence us. We don't live in bubbles, & none of us can claim 100% originality, right? That's perfectly okay. They say imitation is the finest form of flattery.

Isn't it sort of weird sometimes, though? This mimic dance? We all do it, to some extent, but where do you draw the line? How do you maintain your own individuality while still appreciating the talents & unique traits of others? How do you snag good ideas without seemingly trying to morph into someone else - through how you dress, what you buy, or even your writing style?

The blog sphere makes things quite strange sometimes. On top of all of the (ridiculous) keeping up with Jones' business, there's a lot of recycling going on. Have you ever had someone who copies you? Like, maybe sort of blatantly (or even subtly, but still rather obviously)? Sometimes I feel like my thoughts are being stolen and I'm not sure that I like it. Sometimes it's hard to decide whether or not I'm paranoid, arrogant, or justified. Intellectual property is an interesting concept, right?

Have I ever done this? Maybe taken something that wasn't mine?

Do I really care if other people do?

The feeling is sort of strange.


Lindsey said...

Really interesting subject. Is anyone really original? Everyone is influenced to some degree, but really, whoever you "steal" from has most likely "stole" from someone else... SO who is the originator...? Haha, am I even making sense?!

I think it's annoying when someone copies your thoughts and gives no credit where it came from. And if someone obsessively copies and never even publicly (or even privately to the person) recognises that...well, that's just annoying.

I love those gap flats. Are they comfy for you? I love that they have a padded sole. It's been too cold to wear them lately. Oh, and I want your TB flats you wore in London.

Unknown said...

It's funny that you remember my socks. (It's fun to buy patterns.. but only the good kind. Usually BR outlet.)

I remember wanting to listen to your Ben Harper cds over and over. I've liked him ever since.

I think it comes down to this- respect when mimicking. Don't you think? If it's someone you like or who likes you- it's usually a good thing. A compliment. Otherwise, it just feels like a loss/steal.

k. said...

Smart girls. Good comments.

Lindsey, my (your) flats are really comfortable - I love them. The padding is great. I've worn them with socks a few times when it's been colder, & I think they're still cute.

Caitlin said...


So not to copy you, but I had a lot to say, so see my blog. I think at the end of the day, feel flattered, and sad that the people who still your ideas don't have their own original thoughts, or enough confidence to share them.

I mean we all want to be like you, you are just that cool.

Jill said...

Interesting. I think it can be both flattering and frustrating. Sometimes it crosses the line and you feel walked over.

I do me wish people would just sit and think for a minute, before acting/mimicking. I'm confident if you slow down you can come up with something that is more true to yourself, or at least make your own slant on a subject.

I like how you said what you have 'taken' from other people. It is like the people you are influenced by some how become a part of you, and a part of your story.

Erin said...


Too funny, I just had an experience like this last night. I typed about it on cait's comments, and don't want to retype it so you can look there if you care.. BUT, I have to say that I have copied you and your cute ideas more than once. I always love your great tips. I also must say that my house is SO much more organized and clean because of YOU. So thanks! Funny thing, I also have used a few of your friend Kelli's ideas, even though I have never even met her (I guess I haven't really met you either, but I sort of feel like I have since we were in the same ward before, and have lots of mutual friends.) I miss being able to look at her blog...

Anyway, I wish I could say that I am original and able to come up with my own ideas, but I think I am really just a second hand knock off.. BUT it somehow still bugs me when people do it to me! So dumb. Well that was a bunch of rambling.... sorry

Rae said...

I really liked reading your thoughts, and I think they're justified, and understandable. I would imagine everyone's had similar feelings at one point or another. I guess the best thing to do, like many have said, is try to be flattered. I think it's great you recognize that you have been influenced by others, so it makes sense that others would in turn by influenced by you.
Also, perhaps at times people rattle something off, not even realizing it came from someone else. Sort of like, you know when you have a song stuck in your head, and then you hear someone else singing it, and you say, "Did I get that song stuck in my head because of you? Or are you singing it because I was singing it earlier?" I know I'm not super eloquent here, but hopefully my point's getting across. I'm sure there are times where someone takes your ideas blatantly, but perhaps sometimes it was just an honest mistake?
Anyway, I know I'm rambling. I guess I try (sometimes unsuccessfully) to think (or maybe hope) that people are generally good and not out to cheat.
Man, I wish I could get my thoughts out as beautifully as you always do!

k. said...

Erin, I like everyone's points that they made. I don't think you picking up an organizational tip or even a creative idea is stealing (from me, or from my smart friend Kelli). But your story on Cait's blog - that's just plain silly! Seriously. If I were to do that, I'd happily say, "I have a really creative/smart friend Erin who takes beautiful photos, and she gave me this idea." Duh. That's just considerate.

But people who copy blog posts outright, make their whole space (blog) look exactly like someone else's, start morphing into another person (blatantly), that's just silly. It doesn't offend me, but it's just SILLY. Send me an email w. your email address (obviously) and I'll tell you the story of recent events. You'll laugh.


Lauren said...

I hope I have never copied you blatantly. If I have, it is just because you are neat.

I know what you mean though, where do you draw the line...? So many ideas and such aren't actually original, just recycled. I think though, that our individuality is so important to our self worth, it's hard not to be possessive of it.

Sarah Jane said...

Well I straight up copied your jeans. And I'm not sorry, I love them. Thanks again for the great recommendation :).

Heidi said...

Do you mean like products or activities that you have blogged about that people copy? Or actual words? I am sure I have copied some recipes or something from you some time or other. Can you email me the story?

Jan said...

Kahtyrn - You have the absolutely coolest friends on the planet! xoxoxoMom

Sine family said...

I like what Jill said about your friends “influencing” you. I think we all want to hope we influence each other for the better. I would hope people would take good things from being associated with me and not bad. But I can see how outright copying ideas and thoughts would be frustrating. Don’t let it get to you too much its not worth it.

Kera said...

I never copy. I am all original. How smart am I to be the first one to purchase wellies and wear them with cute chic outfits instead of shoveling cow manure. or maybe I saw them on Sienna Miler and then your blog and then on Joanna...

Missy said...

I copied your blog font and switched from Verdana to Arial. I think it's because we both like clean cut looks right?

I totally tell people when I copy them because I would think it flattering, but then I usually ask them if they care. In a not awkward way like how I made it just sound. Only b/c I'm tired.

Brice Family said...

Hey....we have talked a couple of times, I think. I am in your ward. I have developed an addiction to reading blogs on study breaks (and you are on a number of people's links). Anyway. I don't think people copy me very often, but what does initially bother me is when someone copies me in something I've included them in, but doesn't include me in their version of the thing. It stings. I've come to realize that people may not realize when they are doing this, maybe thinking the other person is just too busy, or already has their own things. There is always an explanation and a reason to not be hurt in the first place, and honestly if I am not hurt, the relationships usually work out fine. I am just SO NOT mature enough to have understanding be my initial instinctive reaction. I'm working on it. (Lately I have done nothing interesting enough to copy, so no worries there!!!)

Kellie said...

You are too kind. I really liked this post. I am not open enough or deep thinking enough to write something like this. That is how I would like to be more like you. Miss you! xoxo

erin said...

oh this is a good one. hope you don't mind me browsing through old things... fox and i are bored.

i think i started typing in all lowercase cos my cute friend rachael did... i started signing my name with an initial after matt started working for bain and everyone in consulting signed their name just as an initial... i think i experimented with my blog layout to the left after i saw a friend's blog and yours and liked it...and now after moving here i broke down and bought some uggish boots the other day after seeing them on every woman on every corner for the past 3 weeks and feeling left out, and i've never wanted them before in my life...

has anything i've ever done ever been completely my own? yeesh, i hope so... man i'm a sheep.