Dec 11, 2008


I'm sort of over blogging today. Just for today. Probably.
Yesterday morning I told Mike that I was done blogging, forever (I'm so dramatic). When he came home & did his nightly check for updates - & found one - he asked why I had posted afterall.
Because there was something important I was thinking about, that I just had to write about.


Missy said...

Well, for all the drama your blog caused you this week...I would say the same. BUT. Don't stop forever Kathryn. I would just die (maybe I'm dramatic too).

Tara Edwards said...

No no no. Your blog makes me smile!

Lula. said...

haha. ben and i have that same conversation frequently. i have been feeling so "over it" lately as well.

but please don't stop. i like your blog. obviously a lot of other people do, too.

Lindsey said...

Sometimes we all need a break from the blogging world (and with recent events, it's no suprise). But I am with everyone else, I'd be soooooo sad if you stopped blogging, forever.

Jill said...

the important thing being cheese whiz, naturally.

Kellie said...

i love reading your posts, so don't stop. :)

Kera said...

i'm bored. blog about something.

Jennifer said...

Please come back...

Jan said...

Take a break...then re-up when you're ready. It's ok - we'll still be your friends, and fans.