Dec 3, 2008

We decorated.

Or, All I want for Christmas is a tripod.



The apartment.

'07 locket ornament.

First Christmas.

The place I love.

Our first ornaments, purchased pre-marriage & pre-engagement at Snowbird.

Shiny silver balls.


Mike brought home a tree for us last night (real + appropriately small) & now our apartment smells wonderful. After we were finished, we turned off our living room lights, listened to Christmas music, read a Christmas story & looked at the pretty lights on the tree. So perfect. I love this month.


Heidi said...

The lighting of Christmas lights on a tree is truly magical. I have been resisting getting a tree since we are never here for Christmas but this kind of makes me feel we need one just so max can stare at it at night and fall in love with this season!

Erin said...

good job. i love these. what camera are you getting?

PJ and Julie said...

love the pillows and ornaments.

Jill said...

i love your ornament collection + the snowflake on top. so pretty.

Missy said...

LOVE Christmas trees and yours is beautiful. We do the "ornament a year" too. It makes it fun. What will you get this year?

jocelyn said...

i love your teeny tree. this is exactly what we need in our little studio. city life is not conducive to big trees, but i need something to make it feel like christams around here!

Elizabeth said...

So pretty I love the tree!

Lula. said...

What a darling little tree! It is very festive looking.