Dec 7, 2008

We'll miss you.

We threw a See you at the beach very, very soon party for our friends Caitlin & Dan (we're losing them to San Diego this week & we're just not happy about it). We'll miss them. All of us.


Heidi said...

Everyone has babies the same age. Funny. I guess by the time people have two kids they usually move out of the city??

I am guessing the only girl baby pictured is Sarah Jane's? Cute.

And I know another person you know. I think. Top left- is that a Sorensen? I lived kitty corner to their family growing up. I don't know him really but was more his brother Scott's age.

Anyway, you are a nice friend. And a creative one too. Fun post.

Jill said...

such a good idea K, i love it. norah is one of my favorites, along with will m. they're like pretty mug shots, we should have made sad faces because they're leaving.

Caitlin said...

I seriously can't express how much it meant to us to spend last night with some of our nearest and dearest. Thanks for hosting Kathryn. I'll miss all your fun get togethers so much but I'm excited for you to come visit me at the beach.

Tara Edwards said...

Doesn't she know the friend rule about not moving?! Someone should remind her.

Elizabeth said...

I am confused there are a lot of pictures which ones are leaving?

k. said...

They aren't pictured - all of these people were at their going away party we had last night. :)

Lizzie said...

Cute photo idea, how fun! They must be sad to be leaving such wonderful friends.

Sine family said...

great party although i left with a knot in my somach at the idea that they are gone.