Jan 10, 2009

I have snowflakes up my nose.

I went & got a manicure/pedicure with a friend this afternoon, hopped into the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner tomorrow on my way home, & came out into a blizzard that suddenly decided to show up at the absolute least-perfect time. No gloves. No hat. Three bags of heavy groceries.

Snow. Lots of snow. Wind. Lots of wind.

(The wind is always the worst part.)

The snow was going sideways, & right up my nose.

My hands were frozen by the time I got home.

My nose was dripping with melted snowflakes, which of course I couldn't wipe because I was holding my three bags of previously-mentioned-heavy groceries, & my purse.

Some days, I have these really long & involved fantasies about what it would be like to own a house, in the suburbs, with a car (!). I'd leave my house, maybe even in the rain or snow (gasp), drive to the grocery store, jump out & run the short distance to the store, buy everything that I needed (no matter how much it weighed), & then drive my happy little self home again.

It would be lovely.

A girl can dream.
(Most days, I really love my city.)
PS - The bad news is that thanks to forgetting a few things, I get to go out & do it all over again tonight. It's still snowing.
PPS - The good news is that we have a little Turkish market a block away from our apartment that has most of our absolute necessities (but not a robust enough inventory to count as a real grocery store). AND it has the most wonderful & authentic Baklava that I've ever had. Not everyone in the world can have authenic Baklava on demand like that, so I'll count my blessings. Although Baklava doesn't really make up for not having a car, or hauling dozens of pounds of groceries through the streets, no matter the weather.


Heidi said...

Funny- I have frequent fantasies about living in a city and carrying grocery bags (or hooking them from Max's stroller) from my place to the store. Or I remember living in London and only needing my legs and no annoying cars/traffic to go grab something at the market down the street. The grass is always greener I guess ;-)

I will admit the windy snow part doesn't sound fun!

Jan said...

Makes me think you need a full body coat.....Like one of those sleep bags with coverage from your ankles on up.

Missy said...

How far is a "real" market? I hate when I forget stuff and have to go back to the store (and we have a car)...did you make the cornbread? I want to try that one next time.

Julia said...

I hate my commute sometimes-- I see my co-workers with cars grab their keys and go to their warm, comfortable, car (with personal space), and I can't help but think about how nice that would be. But at the end of the day, the trade wouldn't be worth it to me. Because I always love this place 10 times as much as I hate it.