Jan 10, 2009

Saturdays are my favorite.

Saturday morning. Brunch at Vinegar Factory. I especially love the strawberry orange juice & eggs benedict, although I went for a gruyere/tomato/spinach omelet this morning. Good food, good friends.


Heidi said...

Strawberry orange juice? yum!

Jan said...

I almost feel like I'm there with your pictures!

Missy said...

That omelet sounds good. There is a restaurant by our house with watermelon lemonade and it is SO good. It sounds like something this place would have too.

Jennifer said...

Oh man, I miss those Saturday morning brunches before we had kids.

Relish them. Please. For me.

Caitlin said...

I hate to think that if I was in NYC this weekend I might have been there with you. Miss you lots.

Lindsey said...

I have been craving eggs benedict for about a month now.