Jan 14, 2009

It's 22 degrees outside & I'm thinking about swimsuits. Naturally.

I wish, I wish I had the body to pull off horizontal stripes. On a swimsuit. I think this is darling.


Caitlin said...

Anthro has the cutest suits. don't you just wish they were not $200?

Unknown said...

you do! that is a FANTASTIC find. I love, love it. (plus.. my word verification is "power." is that any motivation?)

Heidi said...

Does anyone have a body that can pull off a horizontal stripe swimsuit?

I have been on the hunt for a good swimsuit (we are heading to hawaii in March) and have yet to find one- J.Crew is my usual go-to and nothing so far.

Jill said...

i specifically think of swimming suits on the treadmill. it helps.

Lindsey said...

This is ADORABLE. I love it.

Missy said...

that couldn't be any cuter. I love it.

i think you could wear it. act like you can and you totally could.

Lizzie said...

I've already started thinking about swimsuits too! I actually tried to look around weather.com to see if they would give me any indication for when I should expect warmth again. I guess it's still going to be a while because all I can find on the website is winter, winter, winter. I drove JT to work this morning because with the wind chill the weather report was 0 degrees. Yikes.

Sine Die said...

We must have the same summer fever because I too can't stop thinking about swim suits.