Jan 11, 2009

My KitchenAid actually does have a purpose for being.

We made cookies last night

& now our freezer is full of these.


Heidi said...

That is amazing self control. When I make cookies, first I probably eat half the dough, then make all the cookies and eat half of those! in a few days time!

Jan said...

Oh yum!

Missy said...

Those look SO good. Makes me want a kitchenaid even more than I already do too. Do you have a good choco chip recipe? They're my favorite.

k. said...

Missy, I linked my favorites (posted on Wire Whisk) in this post. We made them with Cadbury chocolate this time instead of hershey's (like it calls for) and it was so yummy.

Unknown said...

Probably a good thing I don't have a kitchenaid since I'm off treats until Valentine's Day (bet with my little brother).


Tara Edwards said...

That is such a great idea! And my kids would be thrilled if we had a freezer full of cookie dough!

Kera said...

your a good wife :)

Kera said...

PS: I want to see more pix of your hair?

Lindsey said...

yum. i want a kitchen aid.

Jill said...

yum yum and thank you! we made 6 last night and gobbled them up. i felt like such a good wife when i pulled them out of the oven 1 minute before brad arrived.

erin said...

don't show this to my kitchenaid. she's been sitting in the corner making friends with the wall for the past year or so. and the cookies... they look so hearty or something. like, are there grains in there? so they're healthy cookies, is what you're saying? i'm checking these out.

k. said...

My kitchenaid does nothing but make cookies - but that's only a few times a year. Oh well. Some day I'll use ALL of the fancy attachments and make something more substantive.

And Erin - no, no. I don't do "healthy" cookies (what's the point??). You grind up the oats which just give them a good texture.