Jan 15, 2009

Hudson River.

Left: The view from Mike's office about 20 minutes ago. Right: Up close via here, sent from Jill.

Mike called me & said, Kathryn, get on the internet - we think there's a plane down on the Hudson. There are helicopters everywhere but none of us know what's going on (he called me from his cell phone - it made me extra nervous, because at 4pm on a Thursday he should be working at his desk, not huddled up in a conference room with half of his floor looking at helicopters, ferries & fire trucks.)

That's not the call anyone in Manhattan wants to get. I don't like to hear of planes. Going down instead of up. In New York City. It made my tummy feel really, really funny.

We have TVs everywhere in my office, & the volume has been up on all of them.

No deaths, no serious injuries, thank goodness.

And all because of birds. Birds?!

(I call my Dad when these things happen. So he knows we're safe, just because, even. Like when this explosion happened in Midtown.)


emily said...

After reading the news story - I came to your blog because I wanted the true account... :)

Missy said...

I'm reading NYTimes right now. What?! I'm sort of freaking out.

Missy said...

Ok, those are just scary images (even if everyone is safe and it was a flock of birds that made it happen). It's just not normal to see a plane in the hudson river...
SO glad everyone is safe.

suz said...

Wow! Amazing photos!

Lindsey said...

Yikes. My heart kinda sunk when I saw the photos. Scary, but I'm glad everyone is okay and it was birds and not anyone/something else.