Feb 27, 2009

I really don't believe that breakfast is complete without hot chocolate.

Mike's first comment when I told him what I had for brunch was So, when are you going to the gym? 

I guess he sort of had a point. 

In this order, I consumed: Cheese brioche (with Tara), hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream, most of my eggs Benedict made on a croissant & some of Tara's berry stuffed french toast. 

I sort of felt sick afterwards, but oh my gosh. It was so worth it. 

The next time you're in Lake Oswego, make sure you stop by La Provence. 

And grab a good friend like Susannah if you can to bring along with you. Tara did, & even better - she's my friend, too.


Heidi said...


caitlin and brinton said...

You just made me so jealous.

jocelyn said...

i totally agree with the title of this post. that meal looks divine.

shelly said...

Oh! My gosh...amazing-looking food. I like your attitude!

Missy said...

That berry french toast looks like something I could eat...forever. Yums.

How cute are you and your sister? But wait, the one on the right isn't another sister (?)

k. said...

Nope, M. That's Susannah. Tara's friend, who she brought to New York once, so now she's my friend too! Other sisters are: Joanna (in SLC) and Elizabeth (in Orem). Sister in-laws are: Cara (in DC), Erin (in Spokane) & Kera (moving to Colorado Springs as we speak).

Jill said...

Oh man, that looks gooood. Seriously, I would consider making a special trip just to eat there. I'm really hungry right now if you can't tell.

Katherine said...

That looks delish! I will be down there in a few weeks, I may have to go try it out.

Jill said...

my heart just stopped and my mouth is watering.

Lindsey said...

oh yum. it all looks soooo good. how was the eggs benedict on a croissant? do you prefer it that way? just curious, maybe i should try that at home...

k. said...

L, my favorite eggs benedict of all time is from Norma's - they do it on lemon ricotta pancakes. Oh my. Very light & sweet, which is a fun change. But croissants - how could you go wrong?? It was delicious. I'd give it a shot.

(Mike makes orange french toast with croissants. THAT is amazing. I think the recipe is on Wire Whisk. So, so good.)

Tara Edwards said...

Yum! I think I'll go back again soon! And I'll think of you when I eat the cheese brioshe! Too bad it didn't last long enough for a picture!!