Feb 23, 2009



I have a new email address, in case you haven't heard.


How did I survive this long without gChat?


And I have a new phone number, too.

(Sorry internet, you don't get that one.)

I'm flying to Portland on Tuesday. I'm quite excited to see my sister & her wee ones, & almost as excited (okay, maybe just as excited) to pick up a new member of the Whiting family. I'm also looking forward to having Tara teach me how to actually use it.

Oh. And until then (then being the purchase date: Wednesday evening), I'm without a computer. Yes, yes, the joy of post-dating blog posts. I'm not quite sure how I'll manage without a constant connection to THE WORLD. The BlackBerry only gets me so far.

I'm going to really miss Mike this week. I love him, & he's really funny. Take the other day - I walked into our apartment after being out for the afternoon & told him that yet another boutique was closing due to the economy. A few hours later, while looking out the window at the New York City skyline he said, It's crazy that we live in Manhattan, although it's not that cool any more because it's going out of business.

Bye, internet. See you soon.


Missy said...

Have fun on your trip Kathryn! I'm sure you will since you're going to see family.

Devin just got a Macbook Pro. He loves it - that will be our next big purchase. Can't wait to hear about how you like it too.

Lindsey said...

Have a great time! Glad you have gChat and that you are getting a mac.

I want the desktop.

Kellie said...

Have a great time in Portland!

erin said...

let's arrange a playdate for your new addition and my 2 year old laptop. and if you like gchat, just wait for ichat.