Feb 20, 2009

Money Changers of the 21st Century

Apparently when churches in NYC run out of money, they evolve in to dance halls / event venues. I passed by this one the other night, and found that it's currently rented to host a designer sample sale.

Hey, get with the times! After all, if the Catholic Church is reviving the concept of indulgences, why not further enhance the convenience of your religion by picking up a new outfit for the weekend on your way to the altar?

"I'll take salvation in a size six... (I know I'm actually a size eight, but I'm used to the vanity sizing of today's religious doctrine)."

This painting greets shoppers as they enter the ex-sanctuary. Perhaps it should read "paying the rent from the collection plate got harder because the parishioners got smarter."


Jan said...

Interesting use of otherwise unused space....One would think churches would be very full these days...

Suzi said...

ok, so I am dying at the 'salvation in size six' comment-hilarious!

Lindsey said...

this made me laugh...hilarious. and kind of sad? most old churches here are converted into apartments and they turn out stunning.