Mar 12, 2009

That was fun. Let's do it again, soon.

By very sophisticated methods (Mike drew out of a hat - it was more dramatic & exciting than using a random number generator), it was determined that Erica is the winner of the Friday Giveaway! She said, Music is totally a must have for running. I really dig listening to The Killers while running or let's not forget - Sexyback by Justin Timberlake. I feel really silly saying that, but it gets me movin'! [There is no shame in Justin. No shame at all.]

E, send me an email ( with your address & I'll sprint to the post office to put your iTunes gift card in the mail. Oh - & Bri? Oh my gosh. You're a rockstar, & the winner of the just-created runner up slot (24 songs?! Amazing play list?! Thank you!). Send me your address, too. 

Thanks for playing, friends. I loved your ideas & will be ignoring Mike for most of the next week while I obsessively play with iTunes. I'll post my mega-list when it's complete. 



Jill said...

I would love the megatunes list. Now, the object is to get out running, not just stay forever on itunes right? :)

Lindsey said...

oh man, i meant to post some songs...oops. if i ever go running again, at least i know where to turn for inspiration!

Heidi said...

Yes share your huge list now with the rest of us!

Missy said...

I am just happy you'll be sharing the entire list with us. Very, very cool.

erin said...

yes, i'm with jill... patiently waiting for you to post the final product. i still owe you some good thuggin music.