Mar 9, 2009


Total sadness + disappointment = trekking all the way down to the Lower East Side only to discover that Dougnut Plant is closed on Mondays (insert massive amount of disappointment, & immediately add "2nd attempt @ Donut Plant" to Tuesday's agenda).

Redemption = remembering that New York City's very best pancakes are only a few blocks away at Clinton Street Baking Company

Perfectly thick, moist & berry-filled. Topped with syrup that could melt the coldest of hearts. 

Little Wyatt was happy to be out with the girls. 

I guess that rainy days aren't so bad. 


erin said...

what a beautiful success story. i maybe can die happy now that i've found the most delicious pancakes in the world.

Jan said...

Best pancakes? You know I'm always looking for the should ak them if they every share any secrets with pretty young women.......

Jill said...

Those pancakes were soo good. I will for sure be getting those the next time we go.

And doughnut plant tomorrow? Sounds delish.

Heidi said...

I love reading about your food adventures in NYC- always makes me hungry!

Jill said...

i tried being not jealous. now i'm trying to combine jealousy with happy for you vibes. i'll let you know how it goes.

"lay off! i'm starving!"

Julia said...

I'm glad it turned around for you, but sad I missed the adventure. And I'm even more sad that I will miss make-up day too.

Tara Edwards said...

Isn't it fun to have so much free time!! I need to book a trip to come play before you get all busy again.