I just registered for the lottery. For the marathon. Completing the half in 2007 was one of the cooler things I've ever done in my life. Not because of the distance, but because I did it with my sisters & 20,000+ other women. Unfortunately, they started a lottery system in 2008 & we didn't get in (boo). Better luck for '09. Anyone else want to come?
a whole marathon? really? i could maybe get on board with a half, but i'll need to fast and pray about this one.
all the way in SF? i can't guarantee i could be there.
i hope you get it!
I kind of want to come. It would be nice to have a goal as I resume running. I ran a whole marathon 5+ years ago, but I am so out of shape that I am not sure if I could get to that point again (It was amazing, but I still remember how HARD it was). I am also thinking about signing up for the NY marathon lottery this year-- I think my love for this town could get me through 26.2 miles. But I will have to see how training goes over the next couple of weeks.
Um I am sorry to say you probably never see me run a marathon, but I would be happy to be there to represent your cheering section.
good luck on getting in. I am running the SLC marathon in April and still want to do the St. george on next fall so I can qualify for the boston one...just a dream/goal of mine!
I'll run the first half with you :) Registered!
I wish I could say I'd do it with you, but I am so not there yet. Maybe someday...but a half, I think I could train for that...I think.
Exciting! Good luck with training and the raffle!
I saw a quote on the back of someone's old marathon tshirt that I totally agree with: running a marathon is the best pain you'll ever feel.
Good luck!
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