Apr 7, 2009

O-bama. O-bama.

Dark museums are probably the hardest places (sans tripod) to take decent photos. I tried, but clearly I didn't post many that I took. This is the only one, actually. It was really great to see the Constitution & The Declaration of Independence, but really?! Does the room have to be THAT DARK? Apparently it does. It doesn't make for pretty photos.

Shepard Fairey's Hope portrait is now home at the National Portrait Gallery. I wish that I could have captured all of the textures. It's pretty amazing, really. 

Sorry for the gluttony of photos. My posterity will (maybe?) appreciate it some day. 

I'm all done with D.C. 


Jill said...

you can't over-do the photos.

and your prosperity will appreciate? :) i'm keeping tabs on you if you plan to be rich & famous Miss K.

Jill said...

I loved looking through all of your pictures! The flowers, the wind, the monuments...awesome.

Bret said...

There is a graffiti artist in DC replicating this all over the city. Love it. I'll try and take some shots of the graffiti versions. ps..i do events at the portrait gallery.

PJ and Julie said...

I love D.C. One of my favorite places. So fun to look through all of your pictures and reminisce.

Kellie said...

Your pictures are great. I hope you're enjoying AZ. I'm in NJ and it is freezing!

noelle said...

love, love, love your pics. did i mention i love your pics? i heart d.c. grew up there. land of my inheritance. the green, the smithsonian were our playground. and i must say you are a darling girl. i wish people posted more pics of themselves. cute!