Apr 25, 2009

Rockefeller Center. Park Avenue. Central Park. It's all in bloom.

I really love it.

(& a happy, happy birthday to my sister Elizabeth. I love you.)

Today's Mileage: 5K @ The Bronx Zoo + a zillion extra miles walking around playing tour guide. 
This Week's Total Mileage: 22.67 (not including previously mentioned city wanderings).
Do My Feet Hurt? Why yes, they do actually. So does my right knee, my calves & both of my lower butt cheek muscles. 
Thoughts: My body is very much in need of it's DAY OF REST tomorrow. And old men shouldn't wear those itty bitty running shorts. Gross. AND - why is it that my husband, who never, ever runs, ran the 5K SO MUCH FASTER THAN ME?! It made me a tiny bit depressed. I'll blame it on me being petite. OH - & we didn't really even see any animals. Oh well. The zoo was pretty & the weather was spectacular. 
Today's Weather: High of 85 (!). Despite my appropriate wardrobe selection of shorts + a light top, I was reminded how modest (um, dorky) I feel during New York City summers. I may as well be wearing a Snuggie


Mike said...

Thanks for encouraging me to run... I would kill for your endurance.

I'll make sure to add the Snuggie to the wish list for b-day / anniversary gifts...

Erica said...

I really love your tulip pictures. You are so talented!

Heather said...

Oh my GOSH!!! I love these photos! I'm especially obsessed with the white tulip pictures! You're amazing!

Jan said...

Now wait a second! I just sat down to blog...and was going to include pictures from Google images, since I didnt have my camera with me when I took a quick tour to see the flowers and trees in bloom here in Spokane....Now I feel really REALLY lame. Your pictures are spectacular. I think it's time you got a little business going....seriously. You are an AMAZING photographer. Aren't you glad you have the right camera and lens for the job? Thanks for sharing!

Missy said...

Those white tulips. My favorite.

Lindsey said...

i love the tulips.

and you should totally wear a snuggie. maybe you'd become famous for being the girl in ny who wears a snuggie everywhere.

Angie said...

beautiful pictures! we finally arrived in new york this weekend, and now visiting all those places to see the flowers is at the top of my list! thanks!

Elizabeth said...

Okay you make me feel bad about my bulbs They look nothing like those..

dad said...

I'm so glad you're having such a great time with Andrew & Conner. Did you ever think about a careeer as a tour director (and photographer)? I'm sure there's a need (do you speak Japanese?)

Morgan said...

Hey Kathryn! I stumbled upon your blog a little while back and I don't think that I've ever commented before. I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your blog! I'm going to school in NYC, and as a busy college student, I get very little time to enjoy all that the city has to offer. It's so sad, I know. I plan on following some of the suggestions from that fabulous list you put together of things to do in New York before I leave to go home in a few weeks.

And in reference to your Snuggie comment, I can totally relate. Isn't is crazy how one day everyone's wearing turtlenecks, and the next, they're wearing NOTHING?! I've been feeling like quite the outcast in my short-sleeved shirts.

Suzi said...

I would be your first paying customer-start the business!!! You are more than talented! And I love that for once I actually got the weekend recap before reading the blog. Is that what life used to be like? Weird.

jocelyn said...

wow i love the tulips! you could sell those pictures they are so pretty.

suz said...

I love your tulip photo's!

Kellie said...

Just like the others, love the photos - really make me miss NYC! We almost bought fire sale tickets on Jet Blue to NYC for May, but then remembered we have a 10 year anniversary that we should be planning a once in a lifetime (or once in 10 year) trip for...maybe fall?

Don't feel bad Mike can run faster, it's a biological thing.

Talk to you soon, I hope.