Apr 13, 2009

things for spring.

dear k&m fans,

i'm neither k nor m.  i'm erin.  the gracious kathryn asked me to share a song with you to keep her music monday tradition.  and since i'm alone tonight, on the brink of watching twilight all by myself (isn't that like drinking alone?? that's just sad), i've decided to share with you a few favorites from my spring playlist so as to stall before popping in the movie and risk losing a little respect for myself.  enjoy the audio love.

the bird and the bee - la la la
the video kind of scares me a tiny bit, so you may need to close your eyes and listen. it's worth it, i promise.

thao nguyen - bag of hammers
if i owned a car, i would listen to this song with the windows rolled down.

landon pigg - falling in love at a coffee shop
i don't have a grip on what's being played on mtv or the radio these days, but i have a feeling this song may have blown up in every form of media already. if it has, i'm sorry -- ignore this one. i'm usually not a lover of love songs, but the lyrics (and percussion, and strings) make my heart smile.

bishop allen - the news from your bed
i like a lot of bishop allen songs, but this one may be the king of my heart... makes me want to snap my fingers and sing along.

the boy least likely to - every goliath has its david
homely british boys usually make really fun music.


k. said...

That's it. I should just pass the torch to you and you should just do Music Monday every week on your blog. You're good (i.e way cooler than I am).

The first two are two of my favorites (I really love The Bird & The Bee). I don't know the others, but they are f-u-n.

Thanks, E.

Jill said...

i heart the landon pigg song. i downloaded it as soon as i heard it on a commercial.