May 11, 2009


I really hate flying east. I do. Not to be dramatic, but the pit in my stomach is always inescapable. Always. It's sort of this feeling of being uncontrollably pulled away from something that you really just want to hang on to. In my case - my family. Colorado, Utah, Washington & Oregon are not close to New York. They're just not, & that's really sort of a bummer, no matter how much I love it here. I'm really glad that I married the Connecticut boy that I did, but I would have totally been okay had he been from, say, California instead. Or even Texas. Our bi-coastal family tree is tricky sometimes.

Patrick fixed a small chip in my #9 tooth (front & center) today. I'm a little (a lot) OCD about stuff like that, & I sort of feel like a brand new person. But seriously. He's a dentist - a real one now, & not a student. It made me feel sort of funny & really proud at the same time that people were calling him Doctor Hudson. And that I pulled out my very own insurance card & paid him, right after exchanging emails with my almost-for-sure new landlord of my third New York City apartment. We're adults. This all made me sort of scared, this sudden I'm an adult realization. Maybe this is all coming a little late, at my 26 1/2 years of age? 


Their house - Patrick & Kera's - it's beautiful. I had the whole basement to myself. The closet in my bedroom was about the size of my kitchen, but with way more storage & better shelving. I was sort of blown away with the number of closets in their house. I'm really envious of people with lots of closets. I love closets. I think I unpacked my entire apartment into their house in my brain (there was a lot of extra room).

People in Colorado are really nice. They say Have a nice day! & they mean it.

I really hate that United made me pay $15 to check my bag. As if people routinely go on cross-country trips without luggage, & checking a bag is suddenly a luxury that of course I should have to pay for. This is why we fly JetBlue as often as possible. Oh, & they charged me for my snack, too ($6 for crackers, spreadable cheese, & about 5 pieces of trail mix). Ridiculous.

I came home to New York to see leaves on the trees on my street in lieu of the blossoms that were here last week. And the building where the crane collapsed last year - the Duane Reade is open again (finally). Oh, & we're down 4 kitchen chairs, & almost a table (both sold!), in preparation for moving into our new space - space that calls for a square table, instead of a round one. Changes, changes. Have I mentioned that Craigs List scares me? It does. I won't let people come over when I'm alone. Someone is coming over today to pick up something else (small), & I'm meeting them in our lobby. I don't need an axe murderer visiting our apartment.

Oh - Grey's Anatomy last week? I don't care if the dead Denny/Izzie story line was super over the top for a few too many episodes. I. LOVE. THAT. SHOW. We (Patrick + Kera + Me) all pretended not to be tearing up, but we were. Big alligator tears. Best episode ever. This week - the season finale on Thursday (2 hours!) & The Biggest Loser finale is tonight. I think I'm probably too excited.

Mike is away at a leadership training event all week for work. I've barely talked to him (what is this "busy" word? I don't like it.), & it sort of feels like he's away at summer camp - or maybe at the first Hollywood Week of American Idol, except instead of preparing his song & dance routine, he's doing late-night brainstorming sessions about business & product development with a diverse group of his peers, & Randy, Paula & Simon (+ Kara) have been replaced by the HR/Innovation/Talent Development people that are running the program. And they won't let him email/call/text me every 5 minutes throughout the day like I (try to) demand. Anyway. I miss him, & I'll be sleeping all the way over on the left side of the bed tonight.

I want to go to The Frick this week. Anyone want to come?


Angie said...

I felt sad leaving New York going to Utah, but I think that was because my husband was still in NY. I totally feel pulled in opposite directions with the whole family+Utah vs. New York+exciting life thing. Also, I went to the Frick last week and it was really great! Do the audio tour. You will be glad you did.

And, John Mayer is amazing. I am obsessed with Where the Light Is. It is incredible, seriously. Incredible. I listen to In Your Atmosphere on repeat and never get sick of it. You and I should be friends.

Jill said...

so glad you had a nice trip.

heads up: i will not be reading your blog tomorrow for fear of biggest loser spoilers.

another side note: i think 'sort of' needs to be eliminated from your vocab. because there is no way you only 'sort of' love haidyn. :)

Lizzie said...

It's always hard for me to leave Utah & go back to NYC. I'm sorry.

I've always wanted to go to the Frick. What day are you thinking of going?

Kera said...

i missed you today. i woke up and something was different. i think haidyn noticed it too. its always sad when someone fun leaves :( anyway. colorado misses you.

JC said...

girl - I'm game for the Frick tomorrow afternoon if you are. they allow children? I also want to see an exhibit at the Neue Gallerie on German Expressionism before June 29m if you are interested. :)