May 30, 2009

This is how it happened.

Friends Wyatt & Jill helped pack up our kitchen on Wednesday. 

Last day on 92nd Street. In a cloud, clearly.

We won't talk about how my shoe box(es) compared to Mike's shoe box.

Couch. The good news? It fit through the door! We thought we'd have to call the couch doctor.

The Empire State Building is in the clouds. Goodbye, view.

Goodbye, FDR. Good riddance to bad rubbish (although 15 minutes to LGA hasn't been bad).

Goodbye 29th floor.

Goodbye constant dust bunnies (I hope?!). 

Goodbye tall + skinny building. 

Goodbye Nazi doorman. We won't miss you, nor will our nice friends.

Off we go to our new home.

Hello new, quiet street.

Hello, Ken. We like you, & thanks for getting the elevator for me when I was carrying 17 bags at once.

Hello next week of my life. Tag sale, anyone?

Hello, fire escape. We love you, & you're especially useful when our door lock gets stuck & our super needs to climb up you & into our bedroom window (scary?).


Mike said...

Hello unshaven and likely perverted neighbor staring directly at me from across the courtyard. I'm sure at some point we'll each see the other naked!

patrick said...

i love the picture of all the boxes in your living room. i'm so glad that i'm not you guys right now :)
wasn't there a naked neighbor on "Friends." you guys should give him a name. Maybe, Ted, Larry, or Steven.

suz said...

So far I LOVE your new place. I hope sometime it works out for me to tag along with Tara again and come and see it.

erin said...

i might need a picture of the perverted neighbor.

you could sit wyatt in a toilet bowl and he'd still be the most adorable thing ever.

Jill said...

i hate moving. hopefully you won't have to do it again soon!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I like your new street. IT looks a lot like our old one in Boston.

Can't wait for photos of the inside.

Louise said...

I love all these pictures - I loved all the pictures of your old place and what the outside looked like. I love skyscrapers, except I don't know that I could live on the 29th floor! (fear of heights!).

Well done with the move - good luck getting unpacked - doesn't it feel like trying to do a Rubiks Cube, wondering how you're going to make everything fit?! Can't wait to see pictures of your new home!

Lindsey said...

i love your new home already!

di said...

welcome home! it looks like heaven already. (the tree-lined street, the nice doorman, not the boxes...heehee) :)

Sine family said...

Yay new apartment. Can't wait to see you again.

Jan said...

You'll always love the fact that you took those pictures of your old apartment....Very fun! The boxes in the living room...crazy! I can't wait to see how you manage to wiggle into your new place and make it look cozy and comfy!